Thursday 10 March 2011

Hajj and Umrah Footnotes

1. Reported by Bukharee, AHmad, An-nasaaiee & Ibn Maajah from Abu Hurairah – may Allah be pleased with him. See ‘Silsilat-ul-Ahadeeth-us-Saheehah’ (no. 1200) and ‘Al-Irwaa’ (no. 769).

2. As is the case with most pilgrims these days – and it is very rare for one of them to bring the sacrificial animal along with him as the Prophet did. So he who does so, then there is no blame upon him – however one who does not bring it with him and still does Hajj Qaarin or Faarid – then he has gone against the Prophet’s action and his command – even though the people may be averse to this point. As Ibn Abbas said- reported by Muslim(4/58) and AHmad(1/278,342).

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